Adolphe-William Bouguereau
Private Collection
"The story of Cupid and Psyche was one of Bouguereau’s favorite myths. He painted several works inspired from this legend, such as The Rapture of Psyche, Psyche and Cupid, and Psyche. The myth of Cupid and Phsyche first appears written in The Golden Ass of Lucius Apuleius in the 2nd century AD. In the story, Psyche is a beautiful princess of whom the goddess Venus is jealous. In her rage she orders her son cupid to make Psyche fall in love with a monster, but Cupid falls in love with her himself. After several trials Cupid and Psyche make their plea to the gods who turn Psyche into an immortal and allow them to be married in heaven."
"Ela olhou muito para mim. Ela era o seu rosto de menina, a sua pele pura. Lembrei-me dos meus dedos sob a água limpa de uma fonte. Ela era a mulher mais bonita do mundo. Ela era a manhã sob o céu a iluminar a claridade. Ela disse amo-te. Ela, o seu rosto puro, diante de mim, as chamas, o fogo, disse amo-te. Como palavras impossíveis e como únicas palavras. Eu sorri tanto. Fui feliz e, nesse momento, morri. "
"Uma Casa Na Escuridão", José Luís Peixoto
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